Author: Irene Ageno Julu

Creative writer, Author, Economist. DM twitter, Instagram, Facebook

Avocado is a healthy fruit and most of us are aware of the nutritional benefits but are we aware of the magic it does to our hair? The fruit is loaded with potassium, amino acids and proteins. These properties makes it very suitable for the hair. In ancient Egypt, the creamy mask was used on hair to avoid hair loss, for hair growth and moisturizing purpose. It is also today recommended for the same purpose and more as it keeps the hair strong with a glow. Avocado is full of vitamins A, D, E and B6, copper, iron and magnesium…

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With few days to the polling day which is scheduled for 26th May 2022, several candidates who expressed interest in the MP seat of Omoro District have alot of convincing to do. Especially, unfortunately with candidates from opposition being threatened and kidnapped. Forum for Democratic Change Owani Dick was yesterday reported missing a head of his nomination. The Blue party was quick to tweet as Breaking News saying their candidate was abducted by men in uniform. The Campusa is yet to verify whether it was true or this is one of the many political stunts. By end of Thursday evening…

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On 9th May, the multi -billionaire who recently acquired the blogging site Twitter unveiled in a twitter response to a Saudi Arabian leader and Islamic Cleric Mohammed Al-Misehal on the social media platform views concerning Salvation and Hell.Elon had earlier on Sunday made a mysterious disturbing tweet about life and death. He mentioned in the post that ‘it was nice knowing ya’ a tweet that many though of cannotatively. He wrote ‘if I die under mysterious circumstances, its been nice knowin ya’However it is the reaction and response of the Saudi Arabian Cleric that rose more attention. He tasked the…

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The head wrap is a head tie for both men and women. It is a colorful piece of fabric and embodiment of rich culture and history. It is commonly worn in southern and western Africa, in the past in Namibia; the headscarf was referred to as a ‘doek’ an Afrikaans word meaning cloth. The elderly local women in the rural areas used the cloth to tie their head both at home and in community events. The head wrap is tied differently according to the event, outfits and comfort. While some people believe it is a symbol of spirituality, wealth and…

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How do you define yourself? Are you successful or you are on the road to success? Success is very broad and we determine how to get a hold of it. There is a common misconception of success and successful people but the truth is, it can be small or big; the margin depends on the desires and efforts one puts in. Passion and HardworkSuccess in something definitely goes hand in hand with consistent hard work and passion. It’s always a beautiful feeling to rise in something you are passionate about, however passion and hard work is not enough, we must…

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Exercising is one of the many ways we can prevent our bodies from acquiring deadly health related diseases like heart, kidney, and liver diseases. Exercising everyday reduces the chances of getting these diseases and also keeps your body in shape.Squats are one of the most effective exercises that can be done at home or at the gym. It is a compound fully body exercise that trains primarily the muscles of the thighs, hips, buttocks and arms. This form of exercise is known for strengthening the body muscles and keeping the body healthy by working out the upper, lower back, legs,…

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Karela is a green fruit; cucumber-like shaped however the appearance depends on the areas where it is grown. Many people refer to it as the bitter squash and scientifically known as Momordica Charantia. It’s commonly found in the Caribbean, India, china, and Pakistan. It is prepared the same way as fried foods with onions, pepper, tomatoes, and other spices. It can be prepared as a main menu or side dish. This bitter fruit has got several health benefits to the body; the fact that comes from drinking the bitter juice is extremely amazing. The juice contains a range of important…

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Government finally debates the increasing prices on Essential commodities coupled with several issues of national interest. It’s noted that the past two to three months has been dire for ordinary Ugandans with a weekly increasing prices on commodities like soap, salt, cooking oil, kerosene, beans and others, with a bar of washing soap inflated to 8000shs, a litre of cooking oil at 10000shs. Hon. Nsereko Muhammad, Mpuuga Mathias and others believe government is only left with the tool of taxation as a reduction on taxes on Essential commodities will lower prices. However the budget for financial year 2022/2023 is projected…

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Building a career is a lot of work and for each step we take, we feel different. Though for some it’s all planned out from the beginning especially those who inherit family businesses, well, others have to put everything together and make it worth the chase. Career oriented people always achieve in the end and bring happiness to themselves and the people around them.Below are five ways that can help you build a successful career without looking back. Find yourselfAsk yourself the question who am I? What am I passionate about? Be driven by your passion. Work in a field…

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Olive oil best remedy for hair.Olive oil is as powerful on hair as in the delicious foods and salads we enjoy. Its rich moisturizing properties make it ideal for our hair as it makes hair soft, strong and very shinny. It’s very beneficial for dry thick hair, weighs down thicker hair. Processed hair like hair that’s been treated with relaxers, perms, or bleach always benefit from extra moisture but wait for about seventy two hours before applying the olive oil.For relieving your hair from dandruff, massage olive oil in your hair, comb out dandruff flakes, leave oil in your hair…

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