Author: Irene Ageno Julu

Creative writer, Author, Economist. DM twitter, Instagram, Facebook

It’s an economic trend to start up a business. With where the world and economy are going… We all need to own businesses, if not to create wealth for we at least create jobs! Businesses are contributing tremendously in the economic growth and development of all economies. Uganda for instance is known for its fast growth in business startups especially in the informal sector; no wonder there’s great need to formalize the informal sector! Starting a business isn’t as easy as it seems, businesses need started up capital, and you either invest personal savings, obtain a loan or get an…

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Lifestyle plays a very significant role in treating High Blood Pressure. Eating at the right time, sleeping time and generally the environment will delay, reduce or avoid need for treatment. Lose weight Weight loss is one of the most effective lifestyle changes for controlling blood pressure. Loosing just one kilogram can reduce your blood pressure. Increase in weight disrupts breathing while a person is asleep which further raises blood pressure. Waistline too matter, carrying too much weight around the waist can put you at great risk. Men are at risk if their waist measurement is greater than 40 inches (102…

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Any business which involves women’s appearance always succeeds as long as it is packaged well. The salon industry is growing and we expect it to grow even bigger. Though the business is good, one still needs focus. Here Are Tips to Help You Get Started! Make A Business Plan, Every business needs planning to operate successfully and to maintain success, it does not have to be along drawn business plan, it can simply be a graph of activities to be done and assessments. The purpose is to figure out what the business is and how to maintain its success. Figure…

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