Author: Irene Ageno Julu

Creative writer, Author, Economist. DM twitter, Instagram, Facebook

The 27th Commonwealth Speakers and Presiding Officers Conference concluded yesterday the 6th of January without representation of United Kingdom and Canada. It’s ironic though that the mother State did not honor her representation and this disappointment created mixed reactions both from Ugandan and other leaders and scholars. However political analysts like Joseph Ochieno linked it to the recent anti-homosexuality bill which both United Kingdom and Canada claim it’s against international human rights law, and insecurity citing the recurring attacks by Allied Democratic Forces. (ADF) The three day conference ended successfully with Speakers visiting several tourist sites including the Uganda Wildlife…

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Pope Francis has permitted Priests on Monday 18th December to Bless same-sex marriage contrary to what he had earlier said in 2021 citing the union to be a sin and God can not bless sin. Vatican said, Blessing should not be part of regular church rituals or relayed to civil unions or wedding, and those receiving a blessing “should not be required to have prior moral perfection “, Pope added that this should be a sign that God welcomes all, though the document says Priests must decide on a case by case basis. A blessing in the Catholic Church is…

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More than 10.000 graduands joined the Labour market in the concluded three day graduation ceremony which started on Wednesday 6th and ended on 8th December with faculty of Engineering, Science, School of Computing and Information and Built Environment. The 19th graduation ceremony was a success despite controversies at the University as students who sat exams in January waited for 11 months for graduation. Later on, results were released late with several students having missing marks issues. Kyambogo Graduation. The University Council has fired and handed over two of its employees in the IT department to police allegedly accusing them of…

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At least 10,000 people living within Apaa land have been displaced following fresh clashes that broke out in the area in the past week that left 3 people burnt to death. In April 2023, President Museveni formed a committee of 40 people chaired by former Chief Justice Bart Katureebe to resolve the conflict regarding Apaa land in Northern Uganda between the Madi and Acholi tribe, claimed by Adjumani and Amuru Districts and Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA). The residents of Apaa land rejected the plan by the commission to relocate all residents and compensate 340 household, something many found illegal, irregular…

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Last week, State Minister for General Duties in the Ministry of Finance Henry Musasizi and others presented and defended a supplementary budget of 3.5 trillion shillings for Parliamentary approval just five months into the financial year 2023/2024. Opposition legislators and economists are opposed to the budget citing that the country’s debt burden is widening at 86.8trillion shillings both external and internal. Worse still, State House allocated 485billion shillings constituting a significant portion of the proposed budget without clear breakdown of expenditures.Despite the recent queries, Lubowa specialised hospital resurfaced requesting allocation of 2.7billion shillings which is to be spent on supervising…

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The National Unity Platform Leader Robert Kyagulanyi defended himself, stating his friendship with homosexuals prompted the recently enacted and passed anti-gay law which he claims was a direct attack on him and his associates. Kyagulanyi claims the law was passed to limit him and his supporters and not in the interest of Ugandans. However MPs from NUP unanimously voted for the law in Parliament though he says some of his MPs work for President Museveni.Bobi Wine who reportedly received awards for supporting homosexuals was cornered on international television BBC to explain his stand on the Anti-Gay law, especially the anti-gay…

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The Isebantu Kyabazinga Wilberforce Nadiope IV today the 18th November 2023 tied the knot with Inebantu Jovia Mutesi in a graceful Royal wedding presided over by the Archbishop of Church of Uganda His Grace Stephen Kazimba Mugalu in Christ Cathedral in Bugembe, Jinja District. The royal wedding ceremony begun at 6 am with Royal visit to the Inebantu’s home Performing some traditional activities as Busoga culture demands: A lamp was lit signifying that the Inebantu was a light for the people of Busoga. Royalties such as the Nnaabagereka of Buganda Slyvia Nagginda, Queen of Tooro Elizabeth Kemigisa, Rwot Acana of…

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President Museveni has approved shs. 500billion to boost technological innovations in the country. The announcement was made yesterday while addressing innovators, government officials and investors in the national Science week at Kololo Ceremony Grounds. He also permitted tax exemption for locally produced innovations just entering the market. Museveni promised Dr. Monica Musenero, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation that just like the government investment in the Parish Development Model(PDM), government will invest too in innovations and okayed the proposed budget. Finance Minister Hon. Matia Kasaija added his support claiming the innovations displayed speaks volumes and needs special vote support where…

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Nyege Nyege Festival is on amidst all the controversial critisms. The four day annual festival started yesterday 9th November and concludes on Sunday. Rebecca Kagada, the first Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for East African Affairs launched the 8th edition of Nyege Nyege festival at the source of the Nile in Jinja City on Thursday night and noted that the event is the biggest and most vibrant in East and Central Africa. She confidently stressed that no body will stop the Nyege Nyege annual festival as long as she’s alive and appreciated the event organisers for Resilience, focus and commitment…

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UN spokesperson calls for coordination on pauses so that aid can be delivered effectively. This comes as Israli PM says he’s not trying to occupy Gaza. The US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken said the US and India had a strong discussion on matters with future implications especially the Israel-Hammas war. Blinken has camped in Asia engaging I intended diplomacy with Regional partners all aimed at peace and unity both over Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Hammas war. Benjamin Netanyahu insists a credible force would be needed to enter Palestinian territory if necessary as a preventive measure against militant threats. He earlier rejected…

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