lack of fear of God is the new thing in the body of christ which is the beginning of problems. How will parents raise children that fear God? the world is designing how children grow up but when you plant the fear of God in them they will not divert. Where society is right now, filthiness is penetrating the young. Train children young so that when they come across contrary behaviours they will overcome.
The land is polluted by sin henceforth disasters like floods, earthquakes is sweeping people. Lev 20:22. Wherenever the people in the environment are sinful, the land takes notice and vomits them out through natural disasters. It’s difficult for people who are not spiritually connected to God to understand this theory.
Jobs.28:28. Prov.1:7
The fear of God must be a primary motivation in our lives.
To fear the Lord means to be alarmed concerning things that are contrary to the will of God. Having a conviction, a second thought regards to decision making.The fear here means conscience in the Lord. Doing things according to the light of christ in mind.
Fear of God brings forth prosperity, wealth and good health. What you do in darkness can affect the outcome of your labor. Learn complete holiness, cleanse yourselves perfectly in holiness, filthiest in the heart is causing believers to get attacks when they pray.
Deut 10 :12-13. To love, fear God and serve the Lord. What the Lord required of Israel is the same thing he requires of us.
There are two whips that God gives;
- Those who knew the will. Luke 3, Matt 24
- Those who didn’t know the will.
Personal retreats helps Christians align themselves to the will of God through self examination. When examing one’s self, do it will willingly by allowing yourself to be broken by the Holy Spirit. To be broken means dealing with characters like bitterness, jealousy, anger, pride, laziness etc. A broken spirit can easily hear the voice of God and do exactly as instructed.
Psalms 86. 11 personal retreat
Be blessed as you read. Jesus is Lord!