These all can be symptoms of cancer in large intestine (Colon).
In & around of our residences we can see lot of friends & relatives may have similar complaints which can be related to any condition other than cancer too, but persistent symptoms should be looked upon for its reason.
Constipation is a common ailment of our life style related issues due to lack of fibre & water in out diet. In different countries, their dietary habits are different which causes constipation without any fatal disease, but when this constipation becomes progressive in short span of few months, it need to be evaluated on serious notes.
Similarly, blood in stool sometimes can be part of constipation related illness like Haemorrhoids, fissure, fistula, ulcers etc, but painless small amount of blood mixed with stool can be sign of colorectal cancer & need evaluation.
Colon cancer has some risk factors which are related to life style & hence preventable too. These factor if we consider in life, helps us to reduce the risk of colon cancer.
- Overweight or obesity
- Less physical activity
- Diet rich in red meat or processed meat
- Low level of vitamin D
- Tobacco smoking
- Moderate to heavy amount of alcohol intake
Other than above, there are certain factors which are not modifiable by us and need to be monitored
- Inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease)
- Family or personal history of colorectal cancer or polyps
- Type II Diabetes mellitus (share same risk factor as colon cancer, probably coexisting)
- SCREENING: It is preventable step for non-modifiable risk factor to detect polyp like lesion which can be removed before it turns into cancer, because polyp is a condition which is non-cancerous but can turn into cancer very soon.
- Healthy weight (BMI -18-25) & regular exercises to increase physical activity even by lean people can reduce the risk
- Diet support to vegetarian diet including vegetable, fruits & whole grains are rich in fibre & prevents constipation as well as colorectal cancers
- Avoid smoking
- Take diet rich in calcium and vitamin D like curd, milk & dairy products ➢ Not more than 1-2 drinks / day of alcohol.
In this article we discussed with risk factors & prevention of colon (large intestine) cancer.
Next time we shall be coming with early detection & screening of colon cancer & its treatment. Stay connected.