Constipation which is commonly known by many as a condition in which there is difficulty in emptying the bowels affects millions of people annually. The condition is associated with hardened stool and it’s caused by several activities like changes in diet, eating a lot of dairy products, not being active, resisting pooping and stressing among others.
It can be mild or chronic and one may have symptoms such as passing fewer than three stools a week, having lumpy or hard stool and straining to have bowel movements. The situation may or may not last but sometimes it can be chronic.
Constipation can be considered chronic if it lasts for weeks and can lead to health problems like allergies on the skin, loss of appetite, stomach bloating, bad breath, headache and several other effects.
However the condition can be relieved and avoided by taking lots of water, eating of food rich in fiber, a lot of exercises and taking herbal laxatives and others.
Being constipated is so uncomfortable and a threat to living healthy but one does not need to worry much unless it’s chronic.